Friday, April 4, 2008

Back to Dolls..

Well I saw the surgeon this past Tuesday and my Mastectomy is scheduled for a week from today..... I can't wait to get it over with.... find out if the cancer is localized...(praying for that)... and get on with my life.... Cancer is so terribly inconvenient.... so now on to some good news.....

Annie La Bouche is done.... her purple high heel open-toe shoes turned out better than expected (I had very low expectations)... and I hope Sharon (my swap partner) will love her.....

My TOPS group is having their spring ARD (awards recognition dinner) and our group has asked me to make the name tags and t-shirts..... I've decided on a doll pin... a troubador holding a long trumpet with a banner... the banner will have our groups ID number and the wearers name.... the theme is "Make Your Own Music" so I thought he'd be appropriate.... the t-shirts will be painted in a similar theme.... appliqued troubador and musical notes etc....

My daughter and I are preparing for our local Guild craft show in 3 weeks.... so the sewing machines are humming making dollies..... Karen's new mermaids are wonderful... and the fairies are coming along..... I'm starting a vintage type of painted doll her debut will be at the show..... photos to follow....

The local historical society has asked me to sell my dolls at an event called "Shopping at the Mansion"... lots of high end artsy types of items.... and my poor little dolls.... I hope they won't be too shabby next to all the art, jewelry, pottery, etc..... but it's a way to get them seen and hopefully purchased..... this event is the week after the craft show.... I hope the Mastectomy doesn't slow me down......

And I am waiting to begin my next swap..... I never though I would have this much fun....

Keep a good thought.... and remember as Scarlett says..."Tomorrow is another day"

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