Sunday, March 30, 2008

Today was fun the church youth group performed two skits at service this morning. Our friends daughter (Caitlin) and son (Matt) were participants.
Caitlin called Easter morning to tell us we had 1/2 hour to be at church... Rob explained that we would be unable to attend... and told her about my surgery. Bless her little heart she started to cry and said to take care of myself..... and asked if I would please come the following week to see her skit.... we promised we'd be there. When she saw us this week she came right over and greeted us with a hug, and asked if I was feeling know the future is safe when you meet such compassionate young people...

After church we had just enough time to run home for lunch, let Otis out and then off to our regimental (Civil War re-enactors) meeting. I took Karen's new mermaid to the meeting and the ladies loved it.... looks like a winning pattern for our Crafter's Guild show in April.. The meeting went quickly and was very productive... We went out for lunch with the gang and then home to study for my Life Insurance licensing class.... reading eight chapters of the most dry boring material ever printed..... Well, nobody ever said my career was interesting......

I didn't have one minute to spend making my dolls.... it'll have to wait until Tuesday.... on the up side I get to spend all day tomorrow with my daughter Karen... she's taking the class with me... and she always makes me smile... great sense of humor that one has.....

Our youngest called this evening, Kate is wonderful, she is a very direct lady, says what she thinks, thinks before she speaks...., and tempers her honesty with compassion.... no diplomat our Kate... but you'll never meet a more sincere woman.... Politicians should take ethic lessons from this girl.... she'd have them squared away in no time.....

I researched a web site today... my friend Carolyn suggested it after our discussion of Kawaii and japanese cartoon characters.... but I only checked out the under 18 site... They have some very interesting characters.... I was looking for some ideas for a swap doll.... I'll keep you posted as the design progresses....

Well I'm off to bed early I have to leave for my class at 5 am tomorrow morning......

1 comment:

vivian said...

HI Kanne! got your message a few minutes ago, and popped over to see your blog quick.. (got to go to work in a sec!)
sorry about the breast cancer.. wow.. thats a lot to deal with. I know God and doll making will get you through!! love that doll you recieved in a swap.. wow.. great work. LOoking forward to pics of yours.